Sony develops DualSense automatic vibration method based on game sound effects


Sony develops DualSense automatic vibration method based on game sound effects

It looks like the PlayStation 5 will have another fun feature to make life easier for game creators. Sony Interactive Entertainment recently released a technology paper from its R&D department that reveals the ability to automatically vibrate DualSense based on game sounds.


In a paper, Yukari Konishi of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Tokyo-based R&D Department 1 explained that engineers were able to create a method that allows developers to generate high-quality tactile sensations directly from the game’s sound effects. The breakthrough is the result of increased research into deep neural network technologies.

To use the main feature of DualSense – high-quality vibration – the developers took a lot of time and effort. But thanks to a new method from Sony Interactive Entertainment’s research department, achieving the desired results will require fewer steps. Basically, the method is an almost automatic generation of vibration models based on the sound effects of the game.

“Our focus was on deep neural network technology, but the problem was that previous research rarely applied this technology to touch rather than images and sounds. In the beginning, we spent many days just struggling with data, explains Konishi. – Later we studied and tested different algorithms, and also consulted with experts. This made it possible to automate the generation of high-quality vibration signals to some extent, giving the impression that they were made by hand by the developers

The PlayStation 5 will go on sale this fall.