Sony invented technology to identify users by how they hold a PlayStation controller


Sony invented technology to identify users by how they hold a PlayStation controller

The recently filed PlayStation patent describes technology that can automatically identify a user by the way they hold their game controller. The identification method patent was filed by Sony Interactive Entertainment in February and approved last week.


It describes a system that uses sensors like the gyroscope and accelerometer to identify specific users by the way they hold their controller. This allows you to automatically switch user profiles when a person picks up the device.

The patent says the telemetry-based technology will eliminate the need to manually log into their accounts, as well as correctly assign points and trophies to a specific player when two or more people share a common controller.

Certain characteristics, such as the vertical position in which the user normally holds the controller, and orientation (for example, holding one side slightly higher than the other), will be determined over a period of time: for example, 60 seconds. If the data passes the system’s validation, a prompt is displayed asking the user to accept or reject the associated profile.

The patent states that the technology could work with a number of devices, including DualShock or Move controllers, and a PS VR headset, although it’s unclear if it will be used in the PS5. At the very least, PlayStation is actively promoting the features of the new DualSense controller for PS5 in its marketing of the new console, with a focus on advanced sensors, improved tactile feedback, and adaptive triggers.

Sony unveiled a PS5 TV ad last week that focuses on the new DualSense controller features and invites viewers to immerse themselves in a new world. Also, the console’s high-bandwidth SSD is designed to provide a new quality of gaming environments, dramatically reducing download speeds and allowing you to create huge seamless worlds. There are tons of other innovations like ray tracing support, 8K support, up to 120fps output, increased power, especially in the area of ​​the CPU – all this will allow you to create the next generation of games.

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