Sony prepares for shortage of PlayStation 5: no more than one console in hand


Sony prepares for shortage of PlayStation 5: no more than one console in hand

In preparation for the increased demand for the new PlayStation 5 game console, Sony has increased the volume of orders for its production. But even so, some retailers expect that there will still not be enough consoles for everyone at the start of sales. For example, PlayStation Direct decided to limit the implementation of the console according to the “one-handed – one console” scheme.


Data about this was discovered by one of the users of the Reddit forum. While studying the program code of the PlayStation Direct online store, he noticed a message in the Javascript that will appear to the buyer if he decides to purchase more than one set-top box at a time:

(“SAPCommerceOCC_ERROR_addtocartrestrictionvalidation”: {“errorType”: “commerce-api-error”, “errorMessage”: “You can only purchase one version of the PS5 ™ Console: Disc or Digital. You have already added one PS5? Console to your cart . “,” errorSeverity “:” High “})

“You can only purchase one version of the PlayStation 5 game console – digital or with a drive. You have already added one prefix to the cart, ”the message says.

Another interesting find of the user was the discovery in the program code of information that some accessories for the PlayStation 4 will be compatible with the new PlayStation 5. This is indicated by a special icon “compatible with PS5”. It looks like the gamepad of the current version of the console will receive such support.

Expecting a high excitement against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, which makes many stay at home, Sony has increased orders for the production of PlayStation 5 from the initial 5-6 million to 10 million units, respectively, increasing the order for the production of controllers for the console. At the same time, it is not yet clear whether the company will be able to cope with the logistics. The prefix is ​​assembled in China and then transported around the world. And there are still problems with this.

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The price of the PlayStation 5 has not yet been announced. However, the presence of a message about the restriction of sales of the prefix in the store code may indirectly speak in favor of the fact that there is very little time left to wait for this information.