Sony puts an end to A-mount DSLRs


Sony puts an end to A-mount DSLRs

Sony Corp. has reportedly curtailed sales of A-mount DSLRs. Thus, the company seems to have given up on this mount.


A68, a77 II, and a99 II A-mount DSLRs are reportedly no longer available on Sony’s website. Moreover, these models have also disappeared from the range of many online retailers.

News regarding Sony A-mount products has been extremely sparse for several years. One of the latest products in this family is the LA-EA5 A-mount – E-mount adapter, announced last September.

Reviewers for Digital Photography Review have already sent a request to Sony about the situation with A-mount DSLRs. However, the corporation has not yet given an official answer.


We add that A-mount lenses can be used on-camera models with a mirror or translucent mirror (ILCA-xx, DSLR-Axx, SLT-Axx).

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