Star Wars: Squadrons free update brings tons of changes and two new starships


Star Wars: Squadrons free update brings tons of changes and two new starships

Electronic Arts have released the December update for Star Wars: Squadrons, and it includes not only bug fixes but two new starfighters. Both warring parties, the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, received one war machine each.

Star Wars
Star Wars

The first acquired the B-wing fighter, one of the most heavily armed rebel fighters, and first featured in the final film of the original trilogy, Return of the Jedi. In fact, it is one long, a flat wing with a rotating cockpit at one end and cannons at the other. In the middle of the wing, there are two fenders, which expand the combat capabilities of the ship and give it the shape of a cross. It is powered by 4 ion engines. The disadvantages include rather low speed and low maneuverability, and the large hull makes it an easier target. In the game, he belongs to the class of bombers.

In turn, the Empire received the TIE / D Defender multi-role starfighter. He did not appear in films. It is an advanced experimental TIE series starfighter manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems Corporation for the Galactic Empire’s navy. Unlike previous models with a dual ion drive, the Defender is equipped with a hyperdrive and deflector shield. Its armament consists of heavy cannons and missiles, as a result of which it can also act as a bomber.

Another update brought a new map, Foster Haven, and the ability to create custom matches, in which from one to five players from each side can take part. In addition, the developers announced new cosmetics, a bunch of smaller changes, improvements, and fixes.

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Star Wars: Squadrons is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and S.