Starship’s robotic fleet delivering orders to Milton Keynes doubled in three weeks


Now in the city in the south-east of the UK there are 70 robots

Over the past three weeks, Starship has doubled its fleet of robots delivering orders to Milton Keynes, a city in southeastern Britain, where it has been tested for more than two years. An increase in the number of courier robots is a response to increased demand for delivery service. Now 70 robots run down the streets of Milton Keynes due to coronavirus.

Starships robotic fleet delivering orders to Milton Keynes
Starships robotic fleet delivering orders to Milton Keynes

Starship’s robotic fleet delivering orders to Milton Keynes doubled in three weeks

Each robot can simultaneously carry several large shopping bags. Employees of the National Health Service (NHS) – a public health facility – Starship is served free of charge.

“At the moment, we offer free shipping to all local NHS employees,” Henry Harris-Burland, a service representative, quotes. “We want to make life easier for these people in these very difficult times,”

Harris-Berland confirmed that the company is considering further expansion.

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