Steam Weekly Chart: Valve Index VR Kit Leads, New Season Pass For PUBG


Steam Weekly Chart: Valve Index VR Kit Leads, New Season Pass For PUBG

Valve has released a fresh report on Steam sales. Last week, from July 19 to July 25, the Valve Index virtual reality kit was the leader in the service. Recently, he has regularly been in the first positions.


The second place in the ranking went to the new season pass Survivor Pass: Payback for PUBG and the battle royale itself is located on the fourth line. The leader of the previous list, Death Stranding, dropped to the third position. In fifth place is the Sea of ​​Thieves. Among the unusual appearances in the report are the fresh horror film Carrion and crowns (premium currency) for The Elder Scrolls Online.

The top ten on Steam from July 19-25 is given below. The list is compiled according to the total revenue from the sale of the goods, and not the number of copies sold:

  1. Valve Index;
  2. Survivor Pass: Payback;
  3. Death Stranding;
  4. PUBG;
  5. Sea of ​​Thieves;
  6. Halo: The Master Chief Collection ;
  7. Carrion;
  8. Satisfactory;
  9. The Elder Scrolls Online – Crown Packs;
  10. Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition.
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