Still a smartphone or already a tablet? Samsung has patented a tricuspid phone


It will get a touch screen with two folds

Samsung has been releasing foldable smartphones of the Galaxy Z Fold and Flip series for several years, but soon its line of such devices may be supplemented with a model of a slightly different design. The South Korean manufacturer has patented a phone that will have two folding loops – the relevant documentation was found on the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. Rumors about a similar model have already appeared , but apart from the likely name Samsung Galaxy Z Flex, nothing is known about it.


 Still a smartphone or already a tablet? Samsung has patented a tricuspid phone

Of course, the patent application documentation does not contain the characteristics of the future smartphone, but still allows you to get some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat such a device could look like. Judging by the sketches, the model is equipped with a “tri-leaf” OLED touch screen, which is vertically divided by two hinges into three equal parts. In the fully unfolded state, it is almost a tablet with a large display.


The patent also includes a description of the operation of sensors located in the folding mechanism. They help determine what state the phone is currently in. For example, if both hinges are fully open, then the user interface elements will be displayed in all parts of the screen. If the smartphone is folded in such a way that only one of the three parts of the screen is visible, then the operating system will display the interface only there. It is worth noting that the patent application does not focus on the folding mechanism, but rather on the operation of the software. This may indicate that the patent will not be shelved and Samsung is really close to releasing a real product.

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