Stressless Travel How To Fight The Anxiety of Returning Home

Stressless Travel
Stressless Travel

How To Fight The Anxiety of Returning Home

In a recent study, 25% of respondents reported feeling anxious after returning from a trip, possibly due to a backlog of work and an overwhelming inbox.

Vacations are meant to refresh and rejuvenate – a way to release stress. But for too many people, the time right before and especially right after is filled with tension, draining away the value of the vacation that just ended.

While the thought of returning to a dull daily routine can be discouraging, returning home can be just almost as thrilling and enjoyable as a vacation. With a positive outlook and employing simple strategies, you can turn returning home into something you don’t dread, if not an experience of excitement and enthusiasm.

Prepare Your Comeback

An excellent place to start easing the melancholy is before embarking on the vacation. Use the few days before leaving to make preparations ahead of time that will make returning to work and life less stressful. Hanif Roslen, the founder of Ecosguide, suggests “creating a to-do list for when you return, setting up automatic email replies, and ensuring that you’ve delegated tasks appropriately during your absence” as things to include in this preparation.

Sophia Warren, Founder of Trybackpacking, “found that wrapping up any pressing tasks or handing them off to a reliable colleague before leaving on vacation helps.”

Allow for Some Wiggle Room

Plan to return from vacation some days before resuming regular activities where practicable. This will afford the time needed to clear out pending tasks at a gradual pace that annuls tension or burden. This wiggle room also involves emotionally accepting the normality of the situation.

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Tara Furiani, CEO of Tarabull Media, advises: “Remember that you’re human, and it’s natural to feel overwhelmed after taking time off.” Permit yourself to breathe instead of piling on added stress from unattainable expectations.

Slowly Get Back Into Routine

Jumping right back into the deep end of an already overwhelming schedule only heightens anxiety. Whenever possible, take your time and gradually reinsert yourself into your usual routine over several days.

Prioritize your tasks and deal with the most pressing or necessary duties first, instead of trying to multitask and potentially failing in several areas. Set time limits for each task to be handled one at a time. Categorize your emails so attention can be given to the most important/urgent messages.

Remain Connected With Your Vacation

Do not diminish the fun of your vacation. Reflect on your trip. Hold on to the good memories even as you reintegrate into your working life. Keep in mind newfound friends, romantic moments, photos and videos, souvenirs, events, and experiences, or even start mentally planning your next vacation.

Erica Tan, CEO and Co-Founder of Best in Singapore notes, “You can lessen anxiety and preserve a sense of adventure in your daily life by keeping connected to the good aspects of your trip.”


The anxieties during this transition from fun to work mode can take a toll on our well-being. So it is critical to maintain good health through routine exercise, a balanced diet, proper sleep, and other healthy, intentional habits that up energy levels and overall self-awareness. Tan notes, “Taking care of yourself… can also help reduce anxiety and increase general well-being.”

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Seek Assistance

If it gets really bad, you can always ask for help. It’s crucial to reach out for support when struggling with anxiety or other mental health issues. Family, friends, and even coworkers can lend a hand or a listening ear.

It might also be helpful to lean on coworkers for help, asking for necessary updates, specific modifications, or the status of projects.

Joining a social group or volunteering for certain community services can also help maintain a sense of support.

Look Ahead

Another effective strategy for easing travel-related stress is to focus on what lies ahead. Planning a trip, setting new goals, or even just thinking about the bright side of life are all examples of this. Keeping an eye on the road ahead helps preserve the feeling of adventure and excitement in your life while reducing stress.

With a little planning and preparation, it is possible to look forward to the trip home from vacation. You can beat the post-vacation blues by remembering the best parts of your trip, planning how you’ll get back to your regular schedule, and looking forward to some exciting activities. There are still many exciting things to look forward to back home.