Telegram commented on the information that the FSB can track users of the messenger


Developers say it’s not.

A representative of the Telegram development team contacted the editors about an article that said that the FSB and the Russian police learned how to track users of Telegram, Signal and WhatsApp .

The article says that special software allows you to find out who communicates with whom when sending messages, but this is not the case. No program allows you to determine who is exchanging Telegram messages.


Telegram commented on the information that the FSB can track users of the messenger

While no popular messaging app provides complete protection against attempts to identify users using DPI*, Telegram has developed several technologies to better protect its users from this threat, such as traffic obfuscation, the ability for users to schedule messages, and tunnel their traffic through built-in proxy servers and advanced privacy options such as disabling peer-to-peer voice calls and disabling “last seen” timestamps. These measures, in addition to using a VPN, greatly reduce the risks associated with DPI.

While Telegram is better equipped than any other mass-market tool to counter such DPI practices, we advise activists living in authoritarian regimes to use the tools developed by Telegram and VPN providers to minimize the risks.

* DPI – Deep Packet Inspection – a technology for checking network packets by their content in order to regulate and filter traffic, as well as the accumulation of statistical data.

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