Telegram launched “Stories” for channels, as well as many other improvements


The right to publish must be earned

The team of the popular Telegram messenger announced the launch of a major update for users. One of the main innovations was support for “Stories” for channels. However, not all channels will be able to publish “Stories”.


In order for a channel to receive the right to publish “Stories,” it is required to collect a certain number of votes from readers. Only users of a paid Telegram Premium subscription can vote. Moreover, the Telegram Premium subscription provides one vote, which the user can give to one channel. Users can transfer their voice to another channel once a day.


Telegram launched “Stories” for channels, as well as many other improvements

The more votes a channel has, the higher its level, and each new level allows you to publish 1 additional story per day for all subscribers. The voting system is called “Boosts”.


Channels can collect votes using special links like You can find a link to vote for your channel and see how many votes are left until the next level on the channel page > “More” > “Statistics” > “Votes”.


Other new additions include reaction stickers that users and channels can add to their stories, the ability to upload audio files for stories (you can add music or voice accompaniment), an updated interface for self-destructing media files, and a one-time view feature, new account login notifications, etc.

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