Telegram now has 400 million monthly users – will integrate secure group video calls into its platform


7 years have passed since the release of the first version of Telegram: we talked about it for the first time in February 2014. Since then a lot has changed – just take a look at the images of the first releases – and, on the occasion of the latest update, Telegram wanted to publish a series of data regarding its platform with also a clue for the future:

Telegram now has 400 million monthly users
  • Telegram now has 400 million monthly users. Last year it was 300 million
  • are 1.5 million new users who decide to enrol in daily Telegram
  • Telegram is the most downloaded social application in over 20 countries
  • during 2020 (no date is provided), Telegram will integrate secure group video calls into its platform
telegram quiz bot


Below is the list of all the news just integrated.

The quizzes are still improving, and now you can have fun with friends and family thanks to the new teaching functions. Here is what is explained directly on the official blog:

Now you can add explanations that appear as soon as users answer the quiz questions, helping them learn from their mistakes, or contextualize their answers. The explanations make Telegram quizzes useful not only to test your knowledge – but also to spread it.

Quizzes can be created with @QuizBot, and it is also possible to set a timer for the questions that everyone can view thanks to a new and appropriate countdown animation. The news, however, does not end there. Telegram has decided to create a database of educational tests that can help all students forced to stay away from classrooms in this particular period.

Today we announce a crowd-sourcing initiative in which we will distribute a total of 400,000 EURO among the creators of educational quizzes. 

To participate, use @QuizBot to create and publish an original teaching test on any topic, of any level of difficulty and in any language. Feel free to choose any theme, be it the classic History of the Roman Empire in Italian or Mikrobiologie für Experten auf Deutsch – and add any multimedia content needed for each question, but make sure that all copyrights are respected within the quiz.

We will publish all the quizzes sent in a searchable list. Based on quality and popularity, we will announce the winners in several successive stages. Registration for the first phase will end on May 15th.

telegram as whatsapp
telegram as WhatsApp
telegram stickers
telegram stickers
telegram games
  • Newsticker list: Telegram announces the introduction of a new sticker list that now allows you to search and browse the over 20,000 sets of free stickers published in the last five years.
  • New attachment menu for Android: the attachment menu on Android is perfected by introducing new animated icons and expandable layers that improve its usability and aesthetic appearance.
  • Target: from today, it is finally possible to have fun with friends by throwing animated arrows in any chat. To do this, you must necessarily update Telegram to the latest version (only on Android and iOS) and send the following emoji ” “.
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Improvements for macOS: Telegram users for macOS can now access shared media directly from the redesigned profile pages. The new sidebar of the folder with icons is introduced ( already present on Telegram Desktop ) and a new photo editor that allows you to draw on the images.

telegram New Style profiles


  • Telegram | Android | Google Play Store, Free
  • Telegram | iOS | Apple App Store, Free