Tesla electric cars are proving to be reliable. In Germany, Tesla Model S has already covered 1.3 million kilometers and does not intend to stop


This mileage has been completed in almost 7 years.

Hansjörg Gemmingen, the owner of the Tesla Model S P85, purchased in 2014, continues to set new mileage records on it. This time the car reached the mark of 1.3 million kilometers traveled. Not all commercial vehicles with an internal combustion engine are capable of such a feat, but here we are talking about an electric passenger car …

Tesla Model S
Tesla Model S

Tesla electric cars are proving to be reliable. In Germany, Tesla Model S has already covered 1.3 million kilometers and does not intend to stop

With his example, Hansjörg proves that electric vehicles can be quite reliable. His last record of 1 million kilometers traveled was recorded by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, and now it will be updated.

Of course, there were some replacements. Last time we wrote about three battery replacements and four electric motor replacements. And once again, the battery pack was replaced at a mileage of 1.2 million kilometers, and the last replacement of the electric motor was quite a long time ago – at the “well over 750 thousand kilometers” run.

The owner of this red Model S P85 is not going to stop there – the car continues to wind kilometers at a frantic pace. Apparently, next year it will be able to overcome the mark of 1.5 million kilometers.

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