It was shown only once and is not on the site
Headset Apple Vision Pro will appear only at the beginning of next year, and even then initially only in the US. Probably, the company still has something to refine, and now it became known that there is at least one element, the fate of which, perhaps, has not yet been decided.

If you look at almost all promotional materials for Vision Pro, you can see that the device actually consists of two parts: the headset itself (mask) and the headband. However, in one of the videos during the presentation, Vision Pro also had an additional strap for a more secure fit on the head.
The Apple Vision Pro headset is quite heavy
Right now, there is not a word about it on the Apple website, and not a single photo on the headset page shows this strap. Whether it means that it will be sold separately, or that Apple has not yet decided its fate, is unclear.
However, some journalists who still managed to try out the headset used it with a strap. For example, MacRumors videographer Dan Barbera wrote that he thinks the strap does a great job of distributing weight, and many people are likely to want to use it.

Recall that Apple did not say a word about the mass of the headset, but it seems to be rather big even taking into account the external battery. John Gruber of Daring Fireball didn’t say anything about the strap, but noted that the mass of the Vision Pro is felt.
The single biggest downside to my demo experience is that the Vision Pro feels heavier than I initially hoped. It’s not uncomfortable – at least not for 30 minutes – but I never forgot about it and it just makes your head feel a bit heavy in front