The authors of Destroy All Humans! Called the SSD in Xbox Series X and PS5 a “fantastic” upgrade


The authors of Destroy All Humans! Called the SSD in Xbox Series X and PS5 a “fantastic” upgrade

Black Forest Games, which recently released a remake of Destroy All Humans! , in an interview with GamingBolt commented on the features of the new generation consoles Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. First of all, she was struck by the solid-state drive (SSD), which is a “fantastic” upgrade.


Xbox Series X will go on sale in November this year, PlayStation 5 – most likely, too. The developers have repeatedly said that the new consoles will mark a significant technological leap over their predecessors. One of the more exciting aspects of the next generation is solid-state storage.

According to Johan Conradie, CTO of Black Forest Games, the performance level of SSDs in the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 is incredibly high and impressive: “You will see a revolution in next-gen games where downloads are as limited as possible or none at all” Konradi added that the PlayStation 5 will be a processor optimization platform. The goal is to achieve the same end performance on both platforms.

However, Black Forest Games does not plan to update Destroy All Humans! to the next generation console version. The game will only be available under the Backward Compatibility program unless the team changes their mind.

Destroy All Humans Remake! available on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Also Read:  Rumors: Microsoft will release Xbox Series X in November