The Chinese quad-core Loongson 3A6000 processor is capable of competing with the Core i5-14600K.


And so far only in one test

Yesterday, the Chinese company Loongson finally released its 3A6000 processor to the market , which in a number of tests is actually not inferior to the Ryzen 3 3100 and Core i3-10100F . It turned out that it can even compete with the Core i5-14600K! True, only at the same frequency.

Core i5-14600K
Core i5-14600K

Recent tests have shown that in the UnixBench test the new Chinese CPU performs at the level of the Core i3-10100, if the frequency of the latter is lowered to 2.5 GHz, like the 3A6000. And in the Spec CPU 2006 test, the same thing happens when comparing the Chinese new product with the Core i5-14600K! Moreover, in one of the modes the latter is even a little slower.

The Chinese quad-core Loongson 3A6000 processor is capable of competing with the Core i5-14600K.

This indicates the great potential of the Loongson architecture, but, of course, in practice the frequencies still differ by more than twice. In addition, these are separate tests and sometimes separate modes in these tests, so we still don’t have the full picture.

Core i5-14600KCore i5-14600K

But we can say for sure that buying a Loongson 3A6000 for a home PC in order to overclock it well and reach the performance of modern AMD and Intel CPUs is a bad idea. Apparently, the overclocking potential is either in general or is still quite weak. Regular overclocking allows you to increase the frequency from 2.5 to only 2.63 GHz, and liquid nitrogen allows you to achieve 3 GHz, but here the motherboard BIOS limitation comes into force. So perhaps extreme overclocking is possible to higher frequencies.