The complex for the SIRIUS-23 experiment has no analogues in the world.


The experiment started today

Director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IMBP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Orlov said that the complex with an artificial habitat, on the basis of which the international annual isolation experiment SIRIUS-23 will take place, has no analogues in the world.

“Isolation research makes it possible to solve a whole range of problems on the earthly plane, for example, in the field of extreme physiology. The complex was created according to the idea of ​​​​Sergei Pavlovich Korolev as a model of a heavy interplanetary ship. It has no analogues in the world and has always attracted the attention of foreign colleagues,” Orlov said.

The complex for the SIRIUS-23 experiment has no analogues in the world.


The complex was designed and built in 1964–1970 and put into operation in 1971. The new experiment will form the basis for future interplanetary flights.

“Isolation research is a model that has long been regularly used to solve problems in manned space exploration. It was thanks to them that the astronauts’ stay on the International Space Station was practiced. Now the epicenter of research is devoted to upcoming interplanetary flights,” Orlov added.

As we have already reported , today the annual isolation experiment SIRIUS-23 launched, reproducing the main characteristics of the interplanetary expedition.

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