The End of an Era


The End of an Era: Play Magazine Shuts Down

The UK gaming community is mourning the loss of another iconic publication. Play magazine, the spiritual successor to the Official PlayStation Magazine (OPM), has announced its closure after 29 years of serving as a dedicated source of gaming news and reviews.

The End of an Era
The End of an Era

A Legacy Cut Short

Play’s demise marks the end of a long and storied history in the world of gaming journalism. The magazine, launched in 2016, aimed to fill the void left by OPM’s closure. Despite its efforts to maintain a strong readership, the challenges facing the print media industry ultimately proved insurmountable.

A Final Farewell

In an emotional statement, Play’s editors announced that the upcoming issue would be the magazine’s last. The decision to close the publication was undoubtedly a difficult one, given the deep connection that many readers had formed with Play over the years.

A Tribute to OPM

Play magazine was more than just a continuation of OPM; it was a celebration of the legacy of all previous British games magazines. The editors of Play recognized the importance of preserving this heritage and strived to create a publication that honored the traditions of gaming journalism.

The Challenges of Print Media

The closure of Play magazine highlights the ongoing challenges facing the print media industry. In recent years, the rise of digital platforms and the increasing popularity of online gaming have led to a decline in print magazine readership.

While digital publications offer many advantages, there is something unique about the experience of holding a physical magazine in your hands. The tactile nature of print media can create a sense of nostalgia and connection that is difficult to replicate in the digital realm.

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A Fond Farewell

As Play magazine bids farewell, it’s important to remember the contributions it has made to the gaming community. The magazine has provided countless hours of entertainment, information, and inspiration to gamers around the world.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the editors, writers, and staff of Play magazine for their dedication and passion. Their work will be missed, but their legacy will live on.