The First Descendant Under Fire: Accusations of Shameless Borrowing from Destiny 2


Nexon’s highly anticipated looter shooter, The First Descendant, has become embroiled in a controversy surrounding its visual design elements. Keen-eyed gamers and industry observers have pointed out striking similarities between The First Descendant and Bungie’s popular title, Destiny 2. These accusations raise questions about creative inspiration versus blatant copying, potentially tarnishing the reputation of The First Descendant before it even launches.

The First Descendant Under Fire
The First Descendant Under Fire

Echoes of Destiny 2: A Breakdown of the Similarities

The primary catalyst for the controversy lies in the user interface (UI) icons of The First Descendant. As reported by Forbes journalist Paul Tassi, many of these icons bear an uncanny resemblance to their counterparts in Destiny 2. While minor variations exist, the overall design language and functionality appear heavily influenced by Bungie’s work.

Tassi goes on to highlight specific examples:

  • Inventory Icons: Icons representing weapons, armor, and consumables in The First Descendant share a similar visual style and layout with those in Destiny 2.
  • Ability Icons: Icons for character abilities in The First Descendant seem to mirror the presentation of skill icons in Destiny 2.

While some argue for the possibility of coincidental design choices, the sheer number of UI similarities casts doubt on this notion. The accusations extend beyond UI elements, with concerns raised about the design of certain weapons in The First Descendant. Notably, the “Different Dream” weapon has been likened to the Sleeper Simulant and IKELOS sniper rifle from Destiny 2.

Inspiration or Imitation? Navigating the Gray Area of Design

The line between inspiration and imitation in video game design can be blurry. Developers often borrow ideas and mechanics from established titles, building upon existing frameworks. However, when the level of similarity becomes excessive, accusations of plagiarism can arise.

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In this instance, the sheer volume of similarities between The First Descendant and Destiny 2 raises eyebrows. The near-identical nature of some UI icons and the perceived influence on weapon design suggest that inspiration may have crossed the line into unoriginality.

The Impact of Controversy: Potential Damage to Reputation

The accusations of copying elements from Destiny 2 can negatively impact The First Descendant’s reputation. Gamers hold developers accountable for originality and are often unforgiving of blatant imitation. This controversy could lead to:

  • Reduced Hype: The pre-launch buzz surrounding The First Descendant may suffer as a result of the controversy. Gamers might be hesitant to invest their time and money in a title perceived as lacking originality.
  • Community Backlash: The gaming community can be highly vocal when it comes to perceived plagiarism. This could lead to negative online reviews, social media criticism, and a general sense of disappointment among players.
  • Damage to Developer Reputation: If the accusations remain unaddressed, it can tarnish Nexon’s image as a creative developer. This could impact their future projects and erode consumer trust.

Seeking Clarity: The Need for Transparency

Nexon and the developers of The First Descendant have a critical opportunity to address the controversy head-on. Transparency is key to regaining trust and mitigating the potential damage. Here’s what could be done:

  • Official Statement: A public statement acknowledging the design similarities and outlining the creative process behind The First Descendant’s UI and weapon design would be a positive first step.
  • Highlighting Unique Elements: Nexon could showcase the original aspects of The First Descendant, emphasizing the gameplay mechanics, world design, and narrative that set it apart from Destiny 2.
  • Open Communication: Engaging in open communication with the gaming community can help quell concerns and allow for a more productive dialogue.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What specific UI elements in The First Descendant resemble those in Destiny 2?

A: Accusations primarily focus on the design of icons representing weapons, armor, consumables, and character abilities in The First Descendant. These icons reportedly share a similar visual style and layout with their counterparts in Destiny 2.

Q: Is the controversy solely limited to UI elements?

A: No. Concerns have also been raised regarding the design of certain weapons in The First Descendant, with some players comparing the “Different Dream” weapon to existing weapons in Destiny 2.

Q: What potential consequences could these accusations have for The First Descendant?

A: The controversy could lead to reduced pre-launch hype, negative community feedback, and damage to Nexon’s reputation as a developer.

Q: How can Nexon address this controversy?

A: Nexon can regain trust by issuing a public statement acknowledging the similarities and outlining their creative process. Highlighting the unique elements of The First Descendant and engaging in open communication with the gaming community can also be beneficial.

Q: Does inspiration from other games always translate to plagiarism?

A: Not necessarily. Developers often borrow ideas and mechanics, but the key lies in creating a distinct identity for their own title. In this case, the sheer volume of similarities between The First Descendant and Destiny 2 raises questions about the level of originality.