The GigaChat chatbot from Sber was introduced into the MyOffice package


To editors, mail service and more

The creators of the MyOffice software integrated Sberbank’s GigaChat generative neural network into the ecosystem. This was reported by the company’s press service at the international conference AI Journey 2023. 

GigaChat chatbot
GigaChat chatbot

The GigaChat chatbot from Sber was introduced into the MyOffice package

The GigaChat chatbot is integrated into the MyOffice Standard document editors, Mailion corporate email and the Squadus digital workspace. The press service said:

The use of GigaChat in the Mailion mail system will allow you to analyze email chains and provide the ability to draw up a checklist based on its results. The tool will help you create a short summary of what is stated in the email chain, identify the tasks that need to be completed, and distribute roles in the team. 

In editors, GigaChat will allow you to generate text, prepare templates for answers, and so on. Also based on GigaChat, a proprietary assistant “MyDay” is being developed – a single taskbar based on the user’s documents, letters and calendar. 

The general director of the company, Pavel Kalyakin, said: 

MyOffice sees great potential in the use of neural network models such as GigaChat. MyOffice’s research in the field of artificial intelligence technologies is aimed at optimizing business processes and reducing the time spent by a typical office software user.