The iPhone 15 Pro Max does not have any 5000 mAh.


There is a slight increase everywhere

Data on the battery capacity of iPhone 15 smartphones has finally appeared on the Internet. Apple itself, we remind you, never indicates this parameter.

iPhone 15 Pro Max

iPhone 15 Pro MaxSo the situation is like this:

  • iPhone 15 – 3349 mAh (3279 mAh for iPhone 14)
  • iPhone 15 Plus – 4383 mAh (4325 mAh for iPhone 14 Plus)
  • iPhone 15 Pro – 3274 mAh (3200 mAh for iPhone 14 Pro)
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max – 4422 mAh (4323 mAh for iPhone 14 Pro Max)

The iPhone 15 Pro Max does not have any 5000 mAh.

Thus, in comparison with the previous generation, the capacity of all new products has increased, but extremely slightly. At the same time, there were previously rumors that the battery capacity of the iPhone 15 Pro Max could approach 5000 mAh. Perhaps the new products will be more autonomous thanks to the new three-nanometer SoC A17 Pro, but tests will already show this. It’s hardly worth counting on the leap that occurred during the transition to the iPhone 13 line.