The key to the wallet with 62 bitcoins will be sent to the moon


So Lunar Crush decided to spur enthusiasts

Lunar Crush, a cryptocurrency and NFT investment company, will send a wallet key to the Moon containing 62 bitcoins, which are worth about $1.77 million at current exchange rates.

Scheduled to be sent to the surface of the Earth’s moon in the fall of 2023 during the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as part of the Artemis 1 mission, these bitcoins will be a reward for the first person to reach them.

Lunar Crush CEO Joe Vazzini said: “When you set yourself a seemingly impossible goal, innovation can be incredible. Our goal is to inspire people to create communities that will usher in a new era of discovery. All students, groups and companies can get to the moon and find treasure there.”


The key to the wallet with 62 bitcoins will be sent to the moon

LunarOutpost founder Dr. Forrest Meyen said the Nakatomo_1 project is “an opportunity to inspire the next generation to overcome the obstacles to space travel and exploration.”

The code will be engraved on board the probe that will be taken to the moon. The company also announced that the process of engraving a key for a bitcoin wallet on a spacecraft will be fully documented and transparent. This states that no one will have access to the password, including developers within the company.

The spacecraft is expected to launch into space on a SpaceX rocket in the last quarter of this year, but an exact date has yet to be announced due to security concerns. LunarCrush is said to be selling some of its NFT collections in order to buy bitcoins to be sent to the moon.

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The space probe, which will contain the key, will conduct some wireless data transmission tests at the moon’s south pole.