The large SUV Tank 500 for 5.2 million rubles found a lot of shortcomings


A very expensive SUV turned out to be very controversial

In Russia, the large SUV Tank 500 has just gone on sale, but in China it has been offered for a year, during which it has found more than 20 thousand owners. Accordingly, there are enough reviews about the car on local forums. The resource “Chinese cars” systematized these reviews and provided a list of pros and cons. The latter turned out to be not so few for a car priced from 5.2 million rubles. But let’s start with the positives.

SUV Tank 500
SUV Tank 500

The owners of the Tank 500 are praised for its design (but not everyone likes the massive radiator grille), comfortable and energy-intensive suspension (however, the basic versions with a conventional suspension are scolded for being rough), good sound insulation and a spacious interior (with the third row of 7-seat versions cramped and suitable only for children), good equipment and high traffic.

SUV Tank 500
SUV Tank 500

The large SUV Tank 500 for 5.2 million rubles found a lot of shortcomings

Now – to the cons. There are many complaints about the work of the proprietary 9-speed “automatic”. She has strange work algorithms with frequent chaotic gear changes. And also a decent thoughtfulness when changing gears, calculated in seconds. Interestingly, in China, a lot of automatic transmission firmware has already been changed, but this did not improve the work dramatically.

The next claim: the 3.0-liter V6 engine turned out to be very voracious – consumption in urban driving mode reaches 20 liters per 100 km. And the engine is not designed for AI-92 gasoline (the Russian specification clearly states “Gasoline with an octane rating of at least 95”).

The Tank 500 received a media system with a large 14.6-inch screen, but the responsiveness of the interface leaves much to be desired. In addition, various errors often occur (for example, navigation fails).

In China, the Tank 500 is also criticized for its expensive maintenance (maintenance interval, for a minute, – 7.5 thousand km), as well as for reliability (headlights stopped working, steering failed). But, apparently, after a year of sales, some of the childhood diseases were eliminated.

SUV Tank 500
SUV Tank 500

In general, the Tank 500, based on the feedback from real owners in China, turned out to be an ambiguous SUV. Given the price – very ambiguous.