The Last of Us Part II, the commercial is touching and spectacular


The Last of Us Part II is definitely one of the most anticipated titles of the year: indeed, of the last few years. In our preview, we brought you the first pad impressions in hand, and we can’t wait to tell you more in the full review, which we will publish on June 12, exactly one week before the launch.

the last of us part 2
the last of us part 2

Sony recently dedicated the State of Play to its latest Naughty Dog title: 24 minutes of gameplay showing exploration and action. And now the marketing campaign comes to life with the full-release advertisement just released.

Just over a minute in CG (and therefore not with the game graphics) in which a melancholy song accompanies Ellie’s escape and frantic struggle, thus effectively condensing those aspects that have left the first chapter one of the most appreciated masterpieces of the current generation: post-apocalyptic atmospheres, the threat of empty spaces (which also become refugees), that of monsters, that of humans who are not yet monsters, and a relationship between narrative and fluid and powerful gameplay.

And you, have you already pre-ordered it?

Also Read:  The authors of The Last of Us have already "sketched out the plot plan" of the third part, but development has not yet begun