The Linux Foundation has announced a new foundation to create an open source metaverse


It should bring developers, engineers and scientists together

The non-profit Linux Foundation announced the creation of the Open Metaverse Foundation (OMF), a subsidiary organization that will develop the base for its own metaverse. The challenge will be to coordinate efforts across industries that develop open source software and standards for the metaverse.


According to OMF Executive Director Royal O’Brien, the communities and foundations plan to bring together all the “important pieces of the iterative puzzle” to create an open source metaverse.

O’Brien elaborated that OMF plans to bring developers, engineers, scientists and other professionals together into a community that can realize its vision of an open metaverse.

At the moment, there is no data on how all this is planned to be done, when the public version of the metaverse is expected to be launched, what hardware solutions it will be “sharpened” for and what will finance the project.

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