The new Telegram feature will change other messengers


The update came out a little over a week ago.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that the new feature, which allows you to share folders with chats and channels, will appear in other instant messengers over time and will change the way people communicate.

With folders, the ability to organize chat lists is in the hands of each user. Due to their unique democratic structure and flexibility, chat folders can change how Telegram works. And, since most of our innovations are later picked up by the rest of the industry, this feature could end up changing the way people communicate.

The new Telegram feature will change other messengers


He recalled that Telegram recently introduced “a feature that adds a whole new dimension to Telegram”:

It allows users to share entire chat collections or chat folders. These folders can contain anything – workgroups, communities, or even featured news feeds. The possibilities are endless. The folder organizer can set different levels of access, choosing which of the invitees will see which chats. Those who accept this invitation can choose which chats they want to see in the folder or in their main chat list. You can even include the same chat in several different chat folders at the same time.

The big update also included unique wallpapers for individual chats, improved chatbots, and more.

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