The player discovered a bug in Cyberpunk 2077 with which you can quickly save money


The player discovered a bug in Cyberpunk 2077 with which you can quickly save money

The fact that Cyberpunk 2077 is teeming with bugs and various vulnerabilities was written both by the media in their reviews and by users on specialized resources. Some of them are pretty funny, while others can be useful. The latter includes a bug found by the author of the YouTube channel A1914. With its help, you can accumulate a fortune in Eurodollars (in-game currency) in 10–20 minutes.

Cyberpunk 2077 gamescom
Cyberpunk 2077 Gamescom

The bug is shown in the video below. To take advantage of the error, you must first advance through the story to the mission “I Walk The Line”. During its execution, the user will be able to fight with the boss – the leader of the “Animals” gang Sasquatch. The fight, by the way, was shown back in the 15-minute gameplay demo of Cyberpunk 2077 in August 2019. After defeating this impressive size woman, a prize of 30 thousand Eurodollars can be taken from her body. Then you need to quickly save and load. The boss will still lie defeated, but the prize in his “pockets” will again appear. That is, the player will be able to pick up 30 thousand currency again and then repeat the cycle as many times as he wants.

If you run Cyberpunk 2077 on new consoles or PCs with a fast SSD, then in 10-20 minutes of saves and downloads you can accumulate half a million Eurodollars, or even more. The vulnerability is likely to be fixed in future updates, but it’s up to everyone to use it or not. Cyberpunk 2077 has no online components, so the bug will not hurt other users.