The player showed how an interesting trick can be used to win in Capture the Flag in Titanfall 2


The player showed how an interesting trick can be used to win in Capture the Flag in Titanfall 2

A visitor to the Reddit forum under the pseudonym DistractedSeriv posted a video dedicated to Titanfall 2. The player showed how with the help of a grappling hook, you could quickly move on multiplayer maps in a shooter and easily win in the “Capture the Flag” mode. For his battle strategy, the user was even banned at the Titanfall 2 Capture the Flag tournament.

Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2

The video below shows several snippets from different matches in the Respawn Entertainment shooter. Each of them starts the same way: DistractedSeriv uses a grappling hook but does not attract to a specific point but flies with the help of a gadget in a wide arc. The enthusiast stops using the device and starts jumping, which makes it incredibly fast to move around the map. And since DistractedSeriv knew all the Capture Flag locations in Titanfall 2, he accurately directs each next jump.

Thanks to the acceleration after using the grappling hook, DistractedSeriv managed to go beyond the map and penetrate the enemy team’s rear. He grabbed the flag and rushed to his base at high speed, easily gaining victory for his team.

The enthusiast’s Reddit post has garnered over 42,000 positive comments. In the comments on the forum, it was suggested that the trick is related to the physics in the Source engine, which is at the heart of Titanfall 2.

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