The problem with logging into Apple iCloud was solved only after 36 hours


The problem with logging into Apple iCloud was solved only after 36 hours

Many who received a new Apple device for Catholic Christmas were in for a surprise. Users may have difficulty activating and signing in to iCloud. For the first time, the problem was reported by the Apple Insider resource: the difficulties began around December 24, 12:45 Moscow time.

Apple iCloud
Apple iCloud

After almost 36 hours, the issue seems to have been resolved. In the status update for December 26, 12:35 am Moscow time, the problem was already marked as “resolved”. It appears to have affected a range of devices from the Cupertino company. The System Status page did not show issues with other iCloud components or other Apple services.

On Friday, Apple Support tweeted that they were aware of the issue and reported that there was a high load at the time, affecting the ability of some users to set up iCloud, and then suggested that they try again in a couple of hours. The message was directed to a user trying to set up his mother’s new iPad and HomePod mini.

It is still unclear how widespread the problem was – Apple did not comment on the situation in response to a request from The Verge journalists sent to the company on Saturday.

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