The satellite underwent many tests and checks before launch


Two Arktika-M satellites will provide round-the-clock monitoring of the Earth’s surface and cloudiness in the Arctic region

The Arktika-M No. 2 spacecraft, developed at the Scientific and Production Association named after S.A., was delivered to the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Lavochkina. The press service of Roscosmos reported this.


The second Arktika-M satellite went through a number of final stages of preparation for launch, including comprehensive electrical tests, thermoelectric tests in a vacuum chamber, technological vibration tests, control of the tightness of the propulsion system, control openings of all structural elements and many other checks.


The satellite underwent many tests and checks before launch

At the cosmodrome, the satellite in the installation and testing building will undergo pre-launch preparation, refueling and docking with the upper stage.

The launch of Arktika-M No. 2 is scheduled for December 2023. The satellite should be launched into orbit by a Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with a Fregat upper stage.

The first apparatus of the highly elliptical hydrometeorological space system (VGKS) “Arktika-M” was launched into the target orbit in February 2021 and is currently fulfilling its target tasks in full. As noted in Roscosmos, the Russian spacecraft Arktika-M No. 1 became the world’s first meteorological satellite exploring the Arctic region from a highly elliptical orbit. The press service clarified:

Two Arktika-M spacecraft as part of the system will provide round-the-clock monitoring of the surface and cloudiness of the Earth and seas in the Arctic region and adjacent territories, as well as constant and reliable exchange of meteorological information and transmission of signals to rescue services about the location of ships and aircraft in distress within international search and rescue system “CoSPAS-SARSAT”.