The second chapter may not be: the authors of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One do not think about the sequel – only DLC in the plans


The second chapter may not be: the authors of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One do not think about the sequel – only DLC in the plans

Frogwares has released a second video answering player questions about Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One. The developers announced that they are planning to release paid and free DLC and not think about a direct sequel yet.

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes

Key details from the video:

  • the game can get paid and free DLC;
  • despite the name of the project, there are no plans for a direct continuation at the moment. The team initially did not aim at a whole series – the idea was to tell the story of the formation of the famous detective;
  • while the studio is not going to port the game to Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia but does not rule out that it will appear on these platforms after the release on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox;
  • as we already know, Sherlock’s partner will not be Watson, but Jon. The heroes met in London when they were eight years old and became almost brothers. Later, John moved to the island with the Holmes family. He supported Sherlock when his mother died;
  • the authors recalled that detective adventure encourages a bloodless approach. They will be allowed to engage in battle only at special moments provided for in the plot, and murders can lead to undesirable consequences – for example, a deterioration in relations with John;
  • Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will feature familiar characters other than Holmes;
  • as in previous games, users will be able to analyze the appearance of characters during dialogues. However, due to Holmes’ inexperience, guesses based on such information can lead to erroneous conclusions;
  • there will be no controlled transport.
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Frogwares PR manager Sergey Oganesyan asked the players to tell what they would like to see in the next videos and promised that they would publish more gameplay videos. Soon, journalists will be allowed to try out part of the game. According to Hovhannisyan, the February and March trailers consist of  “either unfinished or near-final fragments,” and the authors will not show any “specially created for demonstration or manually edited” frames.

In the first video with answers to fans’ questions, published in January, the authors talked about the game’s main features. It will take about 15 hours to complete the main storyline and 40 hours to study all the content. The game will include five main and more than 30 secondary quests. Investigations will be non-linear: there are always several suspects, and the user may call an innocent criminal. They will be allowed to complete tasks in any order: after the first story mission, players will be given freedom of movement worldwide. There are several options for the final.

The game will go on sale before the end of 2021 on PC ( SteamGOGEpic Games Store ), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and S. The exact release date noted earlier in the PlayStation Store – June 23 – was called incorrect by the developers …