The Sinking City Returns To Stores After Six Months Absence, But Court Still Pending


The Sinking City Returns To Stores After Six Months Absence, But Court Still Pending

The detective adventure action The Sinking City from the Ukrainian studio Frogwares has again become available for purchase in digital stores, but the litigation between the developer and Nacon continues.

The Sinking City
The Sinking City

The game was removed from most digital stores back in August, when the Ukrainian studio accused Nacon, among other things, of withholding a € 1 million royalties. PlayStation Store later.

This is the result of a decision by the Paris Court of Appeal on October 28, which ruled that the removal of Frogwares “terminated the contract in a manifestly unlawful manner” The court ruled that the agreement must be renewed until a decision is made as to whether Nacon violated the agreement, as Frogwares claims. The developer was ordered to refrain from any further action that could affect this contract.

In a statement, Nacon wrote that it will continue to defend its rights, but has already begun to enforce the court’s decision and asked platform holders and sites to launch The Sinking City on sale so that no one becomes hostage to this situation.

Back in August, Frogwares announced that it had to remove the game from stores to prevent Nacon from receiving further sales proceeds, given that it allegedly owed the studio about € 1 million. At the same time, it was alleged that the publisher was late in payments – there was even a period when it hasn’t paid for four months. In addition, Nacon removed Frogwares from game covers and marketing materials in an attempt to claim ownership of the game.

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The Sinking City was released on June 27, 2019, on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A little later, on September 12, 2019, it also went on sale for the Nintendo Switch.