The world’s largest solar power plant located in a single space was launched in the UAE


Power 2 GW

Shortly before the start of the COP28 event, the United Arab Emirates launched the 2GW Al Dhafra Solar PV solar power plant, which became the world’s largest single-site solar farm.


The world’s largest solar power plant located in a single space was launched in the UAE

The facility is located 35 km from Abu Dhabi and consists of almost 4 million double-sided solar panels. As a result, the station is capable of generating up to 2 GW of power. Thanks to this, the total solar energy capacity in the UAE has now increased to 3.2 GW. Overall, the country wants to increase the capacity of all its renewable energy power plants to 14 GW by 2030.

The station was created jointly by Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, France’s EDF Renewables and China’s JinkoPower. The companies say the energy generated will be enough to power 200,000 households.