“These are NOT Cities: Skylines”: the player built a metropolis in Minecraft, inspired by Chicago and New York


“These are NOT Cities: Skylines”: the player built a metropolis in Minecraft, inspired by Chicago and New York

Minecraft fans regularly post their interesting creations on the web. For example, in recent months, they have showcased an elven city, settlements with architecture from different eras, and Mos Eisley from Tatooine. And sometimes users share truly colossal structures. These include the metropolis from a visitor to the Reddit forum under the pseudonym the_balazs. His project can only be compared with Greenfield, the largest city in Minecraft.


If you look at the work of an enthusiast with a cursory glance, you get the impression that the pictures depict a metropolis from Cities: Skylines  (the author even separately noted that this is not so). It’s only when you zoom in on the screenshots that you begin to notice the characteristic cubic architecture of Minecraft.

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