They can, if they want: 60 thousand cheaters were forever blocked in Call of Duty: Warzone in a day


They can, if they want: 60 thousand cheaters were forever blocked in Call of Duty: Warzone in a day

Raven Software has decided to get rid of cheaters in Call of Duty: Warzone. During the day, the developers blocked more than 60 thousand fraudsters. At the same time, the bans were permanent – unscrupulous users would not be able to restore access to closed accounts.

Call of Duty

The official statement on the Call of Duty website says: “We are strongly against cheaters in Call of Duty and Call of Duty: Warzone. Our goal is to fight both cheaters and suppliers of prohibited software. Today, we have blocked more than 60,000 accounts for a confirmed use of cheating software in Warzone. As a result, to date, the total number of permanent bans [in battle royale] worldwide has reached 300,000. We also continue our efforts to identify and eliminate the activities of cheat providers who distribute unauthorized software for modification and hacking

In addition, the message said that during 2021, law enforcement agencies will take additional measures against the creators of cheats. Apparently, Activision will continue to suppress the distribution of prohibited software through the courts, as it already did in 2020.

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