“They Go Too Far”: Players Furious at PlayStation Bonuses in New Call of Duty


“They Go Too Far”: Players Furious at PlayStation Bonuses in New Call of Duty

Activision Blizzard and Sony Interactive Entertainment have unveiled exclusive content in the upcoming shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War for PlayStation game owners. However, this caused discontent in the gaming community, which considers such advantages of one platform to be disrespectful to the consumer.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

As it became known, on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players will receive:

  • two additional slots of equipment;
  • exclusive events with double experience;
  • 25% bonus to weapon experience when playing in a group;
  • the ability to purchase the Battle Pass Bundle and receive five additional Battle Pass levels as a bonus.

In addition to all this, Sony Interactive Entertainment has redeemed the PlayStation co-op exclusivity of Zombies Onslaught as we announced earlier. On other platforms, it will only be available from November 1, 2021.

For many Call of Duty fans, having so many PlayStation exclusives has been the last straw. Activision Blizzard and Sony Interactive Entertainment have been criticized on social media:

  • “That is your money valued less on the Xbox and PC, it [sad]”, – wrote Task_Set rebate for the purchase of military passes;
  • “Blatant disrespect for consumers on PC and Xbox. Exclusive game mode sucked enough last year, but it didn’t change the rules of the game. Now providing two additional class creation slots for PlayStation players ONLY, level skipping, additional weapon experience, and exclusive dual-experience events – ALL FOR PLAYSTATION. They are going too far, ” wrote BenjaminWareing ;
  • “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War makes you play on the PlayStation to win,” wrote ChiclsCoolio ;
  • “Dude, I play on PS4 and even I think it’s bullshit. My friends won’t be able to level up as fast as I do. They won’t keep up. This is unfair, ” wrote FriedSyrup ;
  • “This goes beyond console exclusivity. This is a console advantage, ” wrote TheDavidOfReddit.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War goes on sale November 13 on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PlayStation 5.