Tianma has created an LCD screen that recognizes fingerprints across its entire surface


Tianma has created an LCD screen that recognizes fingerprints across its entire surface

Tianma, China’s largest LCD display manufacturer, has announced a technology that turns the entire surface of a mobile device’s LCD screen into a fingerprint scanner. The company announced its readiness for mass production of new displays and began sending test samples to partners around the world.


The under-screen fingerprint scanner technology, which is the advantage of OLED displays, is gaining popularity. More and more devices, even the middle price segment, are starting to use it. At the beginning of this year, the Chinese company Fortsense announced the creation of sub-screen scanners for more affordable LCD matrices (TN, IPS, and others), a month earlier TCL  announced a similar development that allows embedding a single-point fingerprint sensor under the LCD panel. But until now, we were talking about sensors located in separate areas of the screen.

Tianma’s technology, called TED Finger Print or TFP for short, looks more interesting. Tianma has implemented a fingerprint scanner in the entire glass backing of the screen. Thanks to this, the matrix is ​​able to simultaneously display an image, respond to touch, and recognize fingerprints.

However, the main advantage of the technology is that scanning can take place simultaneously in several places and on the entire surface of the display at once, and not only in a certain area, as in modern smartphones. In addition, TFP, unlike similar solutions of competitors, is capable of simultaneously detecting several fingerprints at once.

Along the way, the manufacturer managed to reduce the thickness of the screen by 50% in comparison with analogs, as well as to achieve the minimum thickness of the frames.

Tianma posted a video showing how access to various applications on a smartphone is protected with a fingerprint, but authorization occurs right at the moment of touching the icon of the desired program.