Tinkoff launched currency transfers to Thailand via SWIFT


The service is available for individuals

The Tinkoff Bank team has expanded its service for transferring money abroad. As follows from the documentation on the website, the bank has become available for currency transfers via the SWIFT system to Thailand.


Tinkoff launched currency transfers to Thailand via SWIFT

The instructions on the website say:

Baht can be sent via SWIFT to any banks in Thailand. You can clarify the possibility of transferring to the bank you are interested in in the support chat. You can make a transfer in the application or your personal account.

There is no minimum transfer amount. In just one day, you can send up to 300,000 baht to KBank and up to 50,000 baht to any other banks. The fee is 700 baht for users who do not have Tinkoff Premium or Tinkoff Private. As for the timing, money is sent in 1 business day, and the transfer is usually credited in 1–3 days, but the specific period depends on the receiving bank.

Currently, Tinkoff clients can make transfers to 36 countries. Using the SWIFT system, transfers can be made to banks in 33 countries, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, China, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. In the near future, the list of countries and currencies available for international transfers will be expanded.

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