TO EAT AND DRINK: nine tricks for a balanced diet

Fruit and vegetables should not be missing in a balanced diet, but chocolate is also allowed.
Fruit and vegetables should not be missing in a balanced diet, but chocolate is also allowed.
You can do a lot for your health. A balanced diet plays an important role in this – this is how it works.

A balanced diet is not only important for well-being and appearance. Health and performance also need healthy foods and a natural supply of energy. This includes the intake of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates, and protein. These nine tips will help.

A lot of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are on the daily menu with a healthy diet. The vitamins, minerals, and fiber it contains are important for the body and metabolism. But what amounts are appropriate? The so-called “five a day” rule serves as a guide. She recommends two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables. One serving is roughly equivalent to a handful of raw ingredients.

Don’t do without carbohydrates

Dodgy, carbohydrate-free diets are increasingly discouraged. The reason: They promote the yo-yo effect. Grain products and potatoes provide the body with a lot of fiber and aid digestion. In addition, they ensure a faster and longer-lasting feeling of satiety. But be careful: When it comes to cereal products, it is essential to rely on whole grains, because they are healthier and more nutritious than wheat.

Pay attention to fats

Avoiding fats entirely is also the wrong approach. Foods with high-fat contents are even important for the body because they contain important omega-3 fatty acids. These can be found in nuts, sea fish, rapeseed oil, or seeds. But be careful: The right amount is decisive because the high-fat content means that nuts, for example, are real calorie bombs.

Process fresh food

You should avoid finished products as much as possible because important nutrients were lost in these during production. Instead, it is better to put fresh ingredients and regional fruit and vegetables on the plate – they not only taste much better but also provide the necessary vitamins.

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Fewer animal products

In any case, animal products should be avoided because of the environment. However, they should not be left out completely. For example, dairy products are high in protein and calcium, and meat and fish are high in iron. The variety is crucial here.

Cook at a low temperature

So that nutrients remain in the food, they are prepared at a gentle temperature. When frying it is also advisable to only add a little oil to save calories.


When it comes to seasoning, the motto “less is more” applies to a balanced diet. In particular, you should avoid high amounts of salt, because they have a negative effect on metabolism and fat burning. The same goes for sugar. Instead, it is better to use fresh herbs, they are healthier and give off delicious flavors.

Healthy alternatives to sweets

Anyone who thinks that a healthy diet means completely avoiding sweets is wrong. Chocolate and Co. can still be eaten but in moderation. Alternatively, you can make healthy sweets yourself, for example with dates and nuts. The fats and carbohydrates it contains provide plenty of energy.

Enough liquid

Drinking a glass of water before every meal not only makes you feel full more quickly, it also boosts your metabolism. You should consume at least two liters a day. Water and unsweetened teas are ideal for this. You can mostly do without juice spritzers, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages because they contain a lot of sugar.