Trainer Adele told how she managed to lose so much weight: “Our goal was health”


A few days ago, singer Adele turned 32 years old, and she celebrated this holiday with a big change: over the past year, she managed to lose weight so much that fans stopped recognizing her

singer Adele trainer adele
singer Adele trainer adele

Now every new photo of the British star on Instagram is causing discussion in the press and the network, although Adele rarely publishes her pictures. The excitement around the newly built singer made her personal trainer Pete Gerasimo speak on Instagram.

It is very unpleasant to read negative comments and accusations of hatred of fat people, because such things distort the history of Adele’s weight loss. My experience with her allows me to say that she always followed a personal trajectory. She never thought of putting her talent at stake or increasing album sales by attracting the attention of a figure. She never pretended to be anyone else. When Adele and I started the fight against kilograms, we had no goal of making her super-slim. Our goal was only health after pregnancy. We had to prepare for a concert tour and a grueling schedule. Gradually, she got used to training and began to choose food more carefully,

– revealed the secret of her weight loss to Jerasimo.

Adele before losing weight
Adele before losing weight
...and after
…and after

A year ago it became known about the separation of Adele from her husband Simon Konekki, from whom she gave birth to her son Angelo. Her coach also mentioned personal changes in his post.

In her life, serious personal changes took place. It is only natural that with changes comes a new look at oneself. She improved her own eating habits and began to engage in physical fitness. I am proud and happy for her! This metamorphosis was not conceived for self-promotion or the desire to become a role model. Adele does all this only for herself and her son Angelo,”her coach added.

He concluded that the singer’s work on herself was hard, but now she is ready for new performances because otherwise, she has not changed at all.

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Adele with a fan
Adele with a fan