Transcription of audio messages in Telegram has become available to all users


Only two per week. Premium subscribers still have unlimited

A new version of the Telegram messenger has appeared for the iOS and Android operating systems. Among the innovations are recommendations of similar channels: when joining a channel, the user will see a list of similar public channels – they are selected automatically by the application. In addition, you can now repost the stories of friends and channels, and the story can be supplemented with your own text, audio track or video commentary. And you can select the circle of users who will be able to see the repost. The developers note that in order to protect privacy, you can only repost stories that are visible to everyone.


Transcription of audio messages in Telegram has become available to all users

In the new version of Telegram 10.3, decryption of voice and video messages has become available for all users. Let us remind you that since last year this opportunity has become available to owners of a Premium subscription. This feature allows you to quickly read the content of an audio message and even translate it into another language. However, users without a subscription can decrypt only 2 messages per week, while in the Premium version their number is unlimited. The developers note that this feature will appear in various regions gradually.


Users also have the opportunity to add video messages on top of stories with their comments or simply an eloquent facial expression. Such video messages can be edited: changed size, moved to any point on the screen, and also selected the start and end point. There are also new features for Premium subscribers, in particular the ability to choose unique color combinations with logos for the profile to further emphasize the individuality of the page, as well as set individual wallpapers for individual chats for both yourself and the interlocutor (“free” users can use different wallpapers for chats only at home).

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