Trump went golf on Memorial Day of the pandemic, when he criticized Obama for doing so during the Ebola outbreak


After his demand to reopen churches, the president did not go to mass, but went to play golf this long weekend of ‘Memorial Day’. In 2014 he had said that “when you are president you must sacrifice something”, in relation to President Obama’s golf escapes.

Trump went golf on Memorial Day of the pandemic when he criticized Obama for doing so during the Ebola outbreak

His decision sparked criticism from those who reminded him of how he had flogged Barack Obama when he went to do the same in October 2014, while Ebola cases were registered in the United States that, according to the then businessman-celebrity, demanded the attention of the president.

Archive image of Donald Trump playing golf
Archive image of Donald Trump playing golf

It was the first Trump party after more than two months since he declared the national emergency due to the new coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 97,000 people in the United States.

Faced with his decision to go golf while an average of 1,000 people a day die from covid-19, many recalled his harsh criticism of Obama for going golf in the midst of the Ebola epidemic, which claimed two lives in the United States.

In a phone interview on “Fox and Friends” in 2014, when the second Ebola case in the country had been confirmed, Trump questioned Obama.

“There are times to play and times when you can’t play. Send the wrong signal,” he said then. Trump added.

The President does not appear to be following his own advice.

Since assuming the presidency in 2017, Trump has spent 250 days in one of his golf clubs and of them, on at least 118 occasions he has been seen playing the sport, according to the Trump Golf Count page, which tracks the time the president spends playing and the cost to taxpayers.

According to the site, the president visits one of his properties every 5 days on average, so he projects that by the end of the current presidential term he will have gone to his golf courses 297 times. In contrast, Obama went to the fields 306 times in his eight years in office.