UAZ modernized production and improved the quality of “Loaf”


Modernization today even includes new flooring

UAZ continues to modernize the plant, in particular, a robotic system for rolling front doors has been introduced on the SGR welding line, and the floor covering on the main conveyor has been replaced.

Before innovation on the main conveyor, modular PVC tiles were tested in a small area of ​​50 square meters. m. for two months. After a successful test, the central passage of the main conveyor was covered with PVC tiles.

“The use of such material will reduce the cost of repairs and maintenance of floors in the future,” reports Panorama. Such tiles are characterized by high strength and wear resistance; they can withstand large static and dynamic loads.

In addition, the new floors can absorb sound and vibration vibrations, and thanks to the springing effect, the load on the back and joints when walking is reduced. Therefore, in the future, they plan to cover the entire floor of the main conveyor with PVC tiles and use them in other areas.

UAZ modernized production and improved the quality of “Loaf”


At the SGR welding site, a robotic system for rolling front doors was put into operation: “Modern manufacturing technology will improve the productivity of the site, improve assembly quality, eliminate the production of defective parts, and achieve an economic effect by improving quality.”

The car plant did almost everything on its own: “For several months, from October to December 2022, toolmakers on their own produced the necessary equipment that met all mathematical parameters and features. The employees also developed a pneumatic system for fixing parts. Specialists from the industrial electronics department were simultaneously developing and writing a part processing program. We also took into account the safety system of the robotic complex.”