Unusual Incident: Airborne Fish Causes New Jersey Power Outage


An unexpected and amusing incident unfolded in a New Jersey neighborhood, where a power outage was triggered by an osprey dropping a fish onto power lines. This unusual occurrence left around 2,100 residents without electricity for a brief period. This article delves into the incident, highlighting the role of the osprey, the impact on the community, and the local response to the fishy mishap.

Airborne Fish Causes New Jersey Power Outage
Airborne Fish Causes New Jersey Power Outage

The Unconventional Cause: Osprey Drops Fish on Power Lines: In an unforeseen turn of events, a fish dropped from the grip of an osprey landed on a transponder, causing a power outage in Sayreville, New Jersey. The unusual nature of the incident prompted a response from Jersey Central Power and Light Company (JCP&L), whose spokesperson, Chris Hoenig, addressed the incident.

Animal Contact and Power Outages: A Rare Culprit: While animal-related incidents are not uncommon causes of power outages, fish are not typically considered frequent offenders. Chris Hoenig pointed out that animal contact, including birds and other creatures, can inadvertently disrupt the power supply. However, the involvement of a fish in this incident added a unique twist to the scenario.

Brief Disruption and Community Impact: The power outage occurred on August 12, affecting approximately 2,100 individuals in the neighborhood. Fortunately, the disruption lasted less than two hours, minimizing the inconvenience for the residents. Despite the unusual trigger, the incident showcases the vulnerability of power lines to unexpected factors.

Humorous Response from Local Authorities: The Sayreville Police Department added a touch of humor to the situation by addressing the incident on its Facebook page. They playfully named the deceased fish “Gilligan” and humorously identified an osprey as the “suspect.” The post also included a plea for information and a nod to “Det. John Silver, who handles all of our fish cases.”

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Appreciation and Sympathy from the Electric Company: Jersey Central Power and Light Company expressed their understanding and sympathy towards the osprey for inadvertently causing the power outage. Chris Hoenig likened the situation to dropping an ice cream cone at a fair, emphasizing the relatable aspect of the incident. The company also appreciated its customers’ patience during the restoration process.

Ospreys and Conservation Efforts: The Sayreville area is known for its significant osprey population. Ospreys were once on the endangered species list in New Jersey, but conservation efforts have led to their recovery. The region’s active osprey and raptor protection program includes monitoring nests and relocating them when necessary to ensure their safety and the uninterrupted functioning of power lines.

Uniting Over a Quirky Incident: The airborne fish incident, while unconventional, highlights the intricate relationship between wildlife and human infrastructure. The event brought together local authorities, the electric company, and the community in a lighthearted response to an unexpected turn of events. As New Jersey continues to foster the recovery of osprey populations, the incident serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between nature and modern living.