[Updated] Shadow of Chernobyl Arrow Voice Actor Started Work on STALKER 2 and Revealed Game Release Date


[Updated] Shadow of Chernobyl Arrow Voice Actor Started Work on STALKER 2 and Revealed Game Release Date

Voice actor Alexander Vilkov, known for his role as Shooter in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, published an interesting post on his personal Instagram account. He announced that he had started work on the second part and revealed the timing of its release in response to a comment from one of the users.


At first, Alexander Vilkov just published the Shadow of Chernobyl logo. Below appeared the following message from a person under the pseudonym kirillgoroluyk: “They say that the second part will be released soon.” To this, the actor replied: “I’m just starting to voice acting.” And then:  They want to winter” He did not disclose the details of his role.

The post appeared on Instagram two weeks ago, but it was only now being noticed. Officially, GSC Game World has not yet commented on the words of Alexander Vilkov.

Separately, it is worth noting that the voice actor in his post mentioned the game Chernobylite from the Polish studio The Farm 51. It was released in Early Access in the fall of 2019, and its full release will take place in July 2021. Therefore, the message about the launch date “for winter” refers specifically to the upcoming project GSC Game World and not Chernobylite.

STALKER 2 will be released on PC, Xbox Series X, and Series S, with no official release date.

Updated. In a conversation with DTF.ru, the PR manager of GSC Game World, Zakhar Bocharov, said that Vilkov’s words should be regarded as a “rumor” since the actor is not part of the studio’s staff. It is not a fact that the Instagram profile is actually his: “Around STALKER 2 has a lot of rumors and speculations – from trailers to gameplay details. Trust the information from the official GSC sources. We haven’t announced a release date yet. As soon as – so immediately