Video: comparison of the same scene in the final version of Cyberpunk 2077 and the demo from E3 2018 – improvements are visible on the release


Video: comparison of the same scene in the final version of Cyberpunk 2077 and the demo from E3 2018 – improvements are visible on the release

IGN published a video on Cyberpunk 2077 on its YouTube channel. It compared one of the same scenes in the final version of the game and a gameplay demonstration from the E3 2018 exhibition. The release version looks a little better, although the episode has not fundamentally changed.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

The video includes a snippet in which V and his comrade Jackie Wells infiltrate the apartment where members of the Scavengers gang are holding a girl named Sandra prisoner. The heroes are trying to save her on the orders of their customer. The comparison starts with moving around the room, and already at this stage, you can see that the lighting is better in the final version. There are no completely dark areas where details cannot be seen. At the same time, the brightness is well balanced and does not destroy the atmosphere. But in terms of the number of objects in the premises, the demonstration from E3 2018 wins: curtains, medical equipment and some small parts did not live up to release. But in the final version, the textures are made better, and the character models are more detailed.

Recall: recently, the media and bloggers made a comparison between different versions of Cyberpunk 2077. The game shows itself worst of all on the Xbox One S and the base PS4.