Video: Necromunda teaser: Hired Gun demonstrates lasgun in action


Video: Necromunda teaser: Hired Gun demonstrates lasgun in action

Focus Home Interactive, along with the recently acquired Streum On Studio, continues to publish content on the shooter Necromunda: Hired Gun. Previously, the developers shared videos shooting from a shotgun, automatic pistol, bolter, and grenade launcher. And now we have demonstrated the las-rifle in action.

 Necromunda: Hired Gun
Necromunda: Hired Gun

It is an anti-personnel weapon with laser projectiles that is massively used by the Imperium forces in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. A fresh video begins with a demonstration of the possibilities for changing the appearance of the cannon. Then, in the teaser, they demonstrate shooting a las-rifle at different-suited opponents. It does not have a high rate of fire but, apparently, does impressive damage.

Recall: in Necromunda: Hired Gun, users, will be reincarnated as a bounty hunter who operates on the territory of the Necromunda hive city, presented in a recent trailer. The main goal of the protagonist is to accumulate as much money as possible. For this, he is ready to take on any order.

Necromunda: Hired Gun will be released June 1, 2021, on PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Series S.

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