Video: Screenshots, Drawings, and Early Call of Duty-inspired Doom 4 Gameplay


Video: Screenshots, Drawings, and Early Call of Duty-inspired Doom 4 Gameplay

Prior to the development of DOOM 2016, id Software was working on Doom 4, a sequel similar to Call of Duty in spirit. At a certain stage of development, they decided to cancel the project in order to return to the roots. It was the right thing to do, which proves the success of the restart. And now there is an opportunity to see what it was planned to make the failed Doom 4: Screenshots, drawings and fragments of very early gameplay have leaked to the Network.

doom 4
doom 4

The corresponding video appeared on the Crispies YouTube channel for a long time, but only now the Western media, in particular, the DSOGaming portal, paid attention to it. The video includes a variety of footage from the cancelled Doom 4. For example, it contains fragments of early gameplay, where the main character moves with a double-barreled shotgun, and he is attacked by a monster. The video also contains a selection of screenshots showing urban locations.

Recall: in 2016, a  documentary about the cancellation of Doom 4 was released on the NoClip YouTube channel. It says that the development was curtailed precisely because of the strong similarity with Call of Duty.

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