Video: the player created a video on Cyberpunk 2077 in the spirit of the introduction of the second season of “True Detective”


Video: the player created a video on Cyberpunk 2077 in the spirit of the introduction of the second season of “True Detective”

Cyberpunk 2077, despite its controversial launch and audience acceptance, has gained a large following. They created many works based on the game, and some of them turned out to be especially high quality. These include a fresh video from the author of the YouTube channel Fieldhouz, playing out the intro for Cyberpunk 2077 in the intro of the second season of True Detective.

Cyberpunk 2077

The video shows characters from well-chosen angles at a leisurely pace, as well as the locations in Night City associated with them. For example, against the background of the ripper Victor’s appearance, his clinic is demonstrated, where V will repeatedly visit according to the plot. Other characters in the video include Judy Alvarez, Johnny Silverhand, Panam Palmer, Placid, etc. In parallel with the screenplay of characters, credits appear on the screen, mentioning voice actors and leading developers.

Among other things, the video is replete with carefully selected colors and, on the whole, perfectly matches the source from the second season of True Detective. YouTube commentators praised the enthusiast for his work, and one person even wrote, “It’s brilliant and charming. Great job

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