Ways to earn gil and equipment in Final Fantasy 14


FF 14 is one of the most famous projects in the MMO RPG genre, which invites the player to try out the online format of the celebrity series of games from the developer Squire Enix – Final Fantasy.

The developers partially adopted this idea from the creators of World of Warcraft – Blizzard, but the format suggested itself – some fans remained from the early console versions of the project and new fans appeared after the PC version. The time has come to enter a new genre – MMO RPG.

What are gils

Gil is the local currency in Final Fantasy 14 – goods are purchased with them, services are paid for, and items are redeemed on trading floors.

It is important for you to gain a game level for the progress of your hero, but it is equally important to be able to earn gil and convert them into new opportunities for the hero.

A well-equipped character always upgrades faster than others, even if it is a support, but with a good weapon.

How to earn gil

Gil, as the main currency, can be obtained through a system of quests, grinding, completing orders for factions, serving various structures, or simply ffxiv buy gil.


This is the most common way to obtain gold and resources. You simply take tasks from the first minutes of the game and begin to figure out how to complete them correctly. Often this is the format of destroying monsters, or sending instructions to various non-player characters.

The main storyline will take you at least 100 hours of real time, according to the developers from Squire Enix.

You will be physically present in all videos – or rather your avatar, which you choose at the very beginning of the game.

If you play exclusively on story quests, without focusing on grinding and other activities, then you will be able to get a stable supply of gil, which will be more noticeable after level 30.

It is also worth considering and paying attention to quests, which are considered secondary in all online games. These are tasks, of which there are at least 100 in all territories of the FF 14 world.

Before completing it, you need to carefully read the conditions, track the rewards for completion in order to understand how profitable they are and track the location in order to combine them with story tasks and squeeze the maximum experience and gold out of your gameplay.

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If you engage in tasks thoughtlessly, then it is easier to simply buy FF 14 gil than to get something really worthwhile from them.


This is a type of leveling and hunting that completely ignores the quest system and places the main emphasis on destroying monsters for the sake of gaining experience and Final Fantasy 14 gil.

To succeed, you need to choose the right hero, or hunt as part of a group.

The right hero should be understood as an attacking type character who can quickly and efficiently destroy single and group monsters with strong skills or simple attacks.

As an example, it is worth considering a magician – he is able to gather enemies into a group, attacking each of them, and when the monsters come together, deliver a series of massive blows. 

The advantage of this approach is huge damage and rapid accumulation of experience and FF 14 gil. The downside is the dependence on the mana resource, and if the magician spends too much of it, he will soon be unable to carry out attacks and will be forced to waste time on regeneration.

The second option is an archer. He also attacks from a long distance, but is much faster in delivering physical attacks that will quickly destroy single targets and waste virtually no resources.

The third option is a warrior. A melee character who can deal heavy damage to surrounding enemies and periodically use rage skills that will increase the power and intensity of attacks for a short time. One of the strongest and most stable players for grinding, in which you will be able to destroy enemies with fast and stable damage in any situation, and when the limits are restored, the damage will simply be increased for a short period and then returned to the standard value until the next cooldown.

Factions and additional tasks

Gil FF 14 is often earned through the faction system and various tasks that fill the game world.

First of all, you should pay attention to notice boards where you receive a task with a limited time to complete.

Usually the time frame is set for one day or a week.

It is extremely important to complete the entire task, otherwise it will simply not be counted and updated. Half of the quest is not rewarded in any way – the task is either completed or not.

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Usually these are simple tasks that are easy to complete, but will require your personal time and perseverance.

Just destroy certain monsters, use skills, hunt in locations, and you will easily complete tasks and receive additional FF 14 gil.

Factions are various formations that you can join and by completing their tasks you will receive both classic gil and special distinction tokens that can be used to purchase various equipment, weapons and other tools that show the faction’s loyalty to you.

This could be military service, with the possibility of progression in military rank and receiving enhanced and special awards related to equipment, weapons and skills.

You can choose navy, cavalry, or infantry service.

Each of them has its own tasks and goals, which are focused on interesting gameplay and opportunities for the player to choose a specialization and do what they love.

You will interact with your commander, who will give you important assignments and provide rewards for completing them. In this way, you can receive many tokens depending on the chosen specialization and exchange them for weapons, armor, accessories for PVP and PVE from the selected side


Use FATE mechanics to quickly gain experience the moment the event starts.

This is an event in which monsters begin to appear in a random area and have a high level of experience and gil for killing them.

You need to arrive at the location as quickly as possible and start destroying them.

You won’t be the only one looking for quick experience, so you should hurry up and attack all the targets you can reach. Your experience will depend on what % you deal and even if you hit all the enemies a little at a time, you will still get a lot of experience and gil and will be in profit for your efforts.

The event will end exactly at the moment when the last monster dies, so hurry up if you want to get your share of the rewards from the spontaneous event.

Ideally, if you can fly in as part of a group and quickly attack large concentrations of enemies, then your experience and gil profit in FF 14 will be maximum.